Colonial Supplemental Coverage
Contact: Jeff Harned
Telephone: (502) 238-7255 Extension: 207
Cell Phone: (502) 609-1576
Fax: (502) 238-7257
Open Enrollment period: May 1st of each year
Choices available under the Colonial:
Short Term Disability (Income Protection Plan): This plan provides valuable protection from loss of income due to accident or illness. On and off-the-job coverage is available. Each employee can customize this plan through the use of benefit periods and waiting periods to meet his/her needs. A maternity benefit is included... (Note: This is available to the employee only.)
Accident Care: On and off-the-job protection offering cash payments for specific injuries and losses that may be suffered in an accident. Hospital and service benefits help to cover co-payments and deductibles related to an accident. Accidental Death and Catastrophic Accident coverage is also included. Riders are also available for special needs such as disability income on a spouse. (Available to employee and family)...
Cancer Security: Benefits cover many of the direct and indirect costs associated with cancer, such as lost wages, living expenses, special needs and medical deductibles. Wellness screenings are available on each family member covered under the plan and may decrease major medical claims...
Medical Bridge: Helps you pay the rising costs associated with a hospital stay or outpatient surgery. Cash benefits are also paid directly to you for doctors office follow-up visits (related to the hospital stay and/or outpatient surgery) and emergency room treatments. Benefits are indemnity based and are available as a lump sum per occurrence. Intensive Care: Pays benefits for up to a total of 31 days per confinement in a hospital intensive care unit. Coverage begins the first day of confinement for both accident and sickness.